Femtosecond Fibre Lasers & Industrial Grade Oscillator

Fluence Halite and Oscillator

Femtosecond laser for biophotonics with cutting-edge performance

  • <200 fs pulses with >100 nJ pulse energy
  • 1030 nm and harmonic options (515 nm, 343 nm, 258 nm)
  • 800 mW, 2 W and 5 W versions
  • All fibre design for maximum lifetime
  • Air-cooled
  • Oscillator available standalone
  • Ideal for multiphoton microscopy, optogenetics and two-photon polymerisation

Halite is a compact 1030 nm air-cooled femtosecond fibre laser from Fluence representing a new step forward in ultrafast laser design.

Fluence Halite Femtosecond Fibre Laser

Thanks to Fluence’s unique all-fibre technology, the Halite amplified oscillator provides high quality pulses as short as 170 fs with exceptional turn-key industrial grade performance and reliability. The SESAM (semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror) free oscillator design replaces degradable components found in similar ultrafast lasers to ensure excellent beam quality and unmatched long-term stability.

Standard Halite models offer 800 mW or 2 W average power, via high pulse energies up to 100 nJ at 20 MHz repetition rate. The soon to be released Halite HE will extend this up to 250 nJ at 20 MHz for 5 W average power. Green, UV and deep UV harmonic options are also available featuring exceptional conversion efficiency.

Halite is a cost-effective laser designed for applications such as multiphoton microscopy in both lab setups or integrated into commercial systems.

A demonstration of the impressive stability of Fluence’s lasers is shown the video below where a Halite is put through a vibration test.

Fluence OscillatorAnd the Fluence Oscillator which forms the backbone of the Halite and Jasper laser systems is also available by itself. This revolutionary all fibre femtosecond oscillator provides unrivalled tolerance to shocks, vibrations or temperature variations.

The oscillator features a special self-starting solution that ensures the laser mode-locks every time. This along with the long lifetime, compact size, and low power consumption make the Fluence Oscillator perfect for OEM applications.

Please get in touch for pricing or more details.

Model Halite 1 Halite 2 Halite HE (Preliminary)
Maximum average power > 800 mW > 2 W > 5 W
Maximum pulse energy > 35 nJ > 100 nJ >  250 nJ
Pulse duration < 200 fs < 250 fs (FWHM) – 6 ps
System base repetition rate 20 ± 2 MHz
Central wavelength 1030 ± 5 nm
Optional wavelength outputs 515 nm, 343 nm, 258 nm
Cooling Air-cooled
Beam quality  M2 < 1.2
Polarisation Linear, vertical
Laser control software Included
Model Fluence Oscillator
Output type Fibre connector
Pulse duration <20 ps chirped pulse (<200 fs option)
Maximum average power >20 mW
Pulse energy >1 nJ
Polarization Linear, vertical
Central wavelength 1030 ± 5 nm
Optional wavelength outputs 515 nm
Repetition rate 20 MHz (others on request)
  • Multi-photon imaging and excitation
  • Neuroscience
  • Optogenetics
  • Seeding amplifiers