Laser Lines offers a range of compact ultrafast fibre lasers from Fluence with exceptional performance and reliability. Fluence are leaders in designing femtosecond lasers which are extremely environmentally stable and immune to shock. To achieve this, robust all-fibre technology minimising free space optics allows for unprecedented stability and resilience. Fluence’s 1030 nm ultrafast oscillator, the most important part of any femtosecond laser, relies on passive interference for mode-locking reducing the need for degradable components. These are truly service-free lasers ideal for use in industry and scientific applications alike. For more details please get in touch or see the product pages below:
Femtosecond Fibre Lasers & Industrial Grade Oscillator
Fluence Halite & Oscillator
Fluence’s Halite is a compact femtosecond fibre laser offering output power of >2 W and pulse energies up to 100 nJ at a wavelength of 1030 nm (plus harmonic options). With high quality <180 fs pulses in a robust ultra-stable package built upon Fluence’s Oscillator, Halite is the perfect laser for demanding biophotonics applications. And the revolutionary all-fibre Oscillator is available itself as a standalone product with either a ps chirped pulse or compressed fs pulse. Ideally suited for multiphoton microscopy, optogenetics, two-photon polymerisation and seeding amplifiers. More
High Power Femtosecond Fibre Laser
Fluence Jasper and Jasper Flex
Fluence’s Jasper and Jasper Flex are industrial femtosecond fibre lasers providing output power of >60 W at 1030 nm, with pulse energy up to 100 μJ. The Jasper series features incredibly short < 250 fs pulses with computer controllable pulse duration, and tunable repetition rate up to 20 MHz with a built-in pulse picker and burst mode for complete process control. Harmonic options are available for green, UV and deep UV outputs. Ideally suited for applications such as micromachining, glass cutting, ophthalmology and pumping OPAs. More
Femtosecond OPA
Fluence Harmony
Fluence’s Harmony is a femtosecond OPA (Optical Parametric Amplifier) featuring four perfectly synchronised and precisely tunable outputs. It converts 1030 nm ultrafast laser pulses into a broad spectrum of wavelengths across 210 to 2600 nm which are tunable via intuitive user-friendly software. Designed to be pumped by Fluence’s Jasper, Harmony is also fully compatible with most 1030 nm femtosecond lasers making it an idea solution for ultrafast spectroscopy techniques. Ideally suited for applications such as pump probe spectroscopy. More